Good wishes to Errol & to you also Tracy rest rest rest...l very much look forward to your monthly card reading. Each month it opens my mind & at particular times your readings have given me clarity to what have turned out to be positive changes. Thank you Tracy 😊

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Thank you for your good wishes Ger, and I am so glad that my readings can give you some meaning.

Love and hugs

Tracy xx

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Aw poor Errol... I am so happy he is out of the woods now and please god he will find his bravery to not feel too scared. Staying in the safety and love of you and Jo's home sounds like a good plan to me. I can totally understand his draw to all that love. Please god he will just get stronger and stronger now. I will continue to keep him in my prayers x PS. Love these cards: embrace, accept and to let go - always three strong pillars to help us move forward. Thank you T x

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Thanks Lou, he is definitely almost back to normal now.

Love and hugs

Tracy xx

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Thank you as always! Let's get wild and honest with ourselves this month! Stripping back to the intuition, I love it!

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Thank you lauren, hope it helps.

Love and hugs

Tracy xx

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Oh dear, I hope both you and puss recover quickly. All the best! I'm leaning into the Tarot reading and asking the tough questions this month.

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He is doing really well, thanks xx

I hope the tarot can help this month, love and hugs,

Tracy xx

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