My angel came to me in the middle of a reiki session. I was silently crying over the sad things in my life when I realised that I was being hugged with great warmth. The tears stopped. All this time, my therapist had continued. Behind my closed eyelids, the most beautiful, calm, deep blue colour appeared. My therapist told me that was the Archangel Michael’s colour. I don’t know if he is my guardian angel. But I spoke to him when my sister was in a coma and asked him if it was his wish, could he send healing angels to help her back to us. She still hasn’t contacted me but I understand from my brother in law that she’s doing better now she’s at home and making progress. I ask Archangel Michael every night to watch over her and help me accept her wishes.

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Oh that sounds like a wonderful experience Anne. good to know that your sister is on the way back from the darkness that engulfed her. I have been researching the various prayers to Archangel Michael, and he features in my book (spoiler).

May he watch over you and yours now and in the future.

Love and Light xx

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What a beautiful experience! Thank you for sharing it, and for highlighting what others may experience but not recognise it as a loving, benevolent presence. I have at times felt warm hands touching mine when praying or meditating, and during Reiki.

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oh how wonderful Sofia, what a lovely thing to feel x

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