Hello Dear Friend,
Welcome to the latest missive, and apologies for the slight radio silence, I am not sure where the last couple of weeks have disappeared to. I would also like to extend a warm welcome to my new subscribers, there seem to have been quite a few over the past month, it is lovely to see you here. I hope you are well, and that the energies of the new moon and the solar eclipse have not messed with your energy too much. I think there is another planetary event at the end of this month and then hopefully we should feel a little more settled.
All is well with me, life continues as usual, I started aqua-therapy last Wednesday, so hopefully that will help with the knee issues. Wish me luck. I am also ambitiously planning an overnight trip to Bath on the 1st and 2nd of May to connect with some of my online pals from LWS (London Writers Salon) and I am so looking forward to it.
This is not the topic I intended to write about this week, but it has floated to the top of my subconscious over the past few days. It’s probably been helped by the fact that my pain levels are manageable at the moment, and long may they remain that way. There is something about feeling thankful, or I guess grateful, that lifts your spirits, well, it lifts mine.
This past weekend I helped to co-host the LWS 24-Hour Birthday Writing Sprint, an annual event to celebrate when they started the group. It was incredible, the joy and love in the room was palpable for the founders of LWS, Matt and Parul. LWS was started at the beginning of the pandemic, March 2020, as a place where writers could meet virtually and write together. I came across it in April 2021 and it saved my life, well my sanity at least. I had just been diagnosed with CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) or ME as it used to be called - do you remember Yuppie Flu? It was a generous present left behind by all the infections during my breast cancer treatment :0) I can hear you thinking, oh boy, this is going to be a cheery letter but bear with me a little longer. The diagnosis had left me in limbo, and after over two weeks of being in bed, I had no structure to my life. The LWS
8 am session gave me a reason to get up every morning, it gave me a routine, it gave me focus, and a purpose, a reason to get up, even if I ended up going back for a nap later in the day. Fast forward three years and I currently help host the sessions (there are 4 every day), I help host a weekend off-shoot of the LWS, and I have the honour to host in one of the writing rooms as well.
This is where the trip comes in - one of the members of the writing room is coming to the UK to visit from Canada and we are finally going to meet in person, currently, there are going to be 6 of us. We have known each other virtually for years and this is the first time we will meet up in person. I am beyond grateful to LWS for the community and the friends it has brought me.
Do you have a community that has brought you solace and support? I would love to hear about them, and sharing your support system may help others find theirs.
Energy Fields
As I waited for the bus for Freshwater yesterday (I go over every Friday morning to a knit-and-natter group) I became aware of everyone around me. If you have ever commuted anywhere, I am sure you are familiar with the phenomenon of being assailed by the aroma of multiple aftershaves/body lotions/perfumes wafting past you.
It got me thinking.
I talk a lot in these missives about energy fields and how they can affect us, and that giving out positive vibrations is important, not only to you, but everyone you come in contact with.
As I said, those aftershaves got me thinking.
Our energy fields are a lot like those overwhelming wafts of smell. They encase us, move with us, and can be felt by those around us. Even if you are not aware of your energy field, it is fairly easy to visualize it as a cloudy, coloured haze which moves with us. Then by extension, you can imagine others having the same. If we practice thankfulness and gratitude, we know it lifts our vibrations and our mood. This will feed into our energy fields, and then maybe, when we move past others, some of our positive energy can give them a lift too.
Just a little food for thought, be mindful of your energy, it doesn’t just affect you.
Until next time, as ever, may your angels and guides watch over you and protect you until we meet again.
Love and Light,
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There is the option now to become a paid subscriber if you would like to support these Sunday Letters in that way, or you could consider buying me a cup of tea.
I definitely run on tea.
Thank you for reading and for subscribing.
Until next time, bye for now.
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Ahhh, Tracy, deep Gratitude to You for choosing my favorite topic! 🙏 Expressing gratitude is like using a Superpower to lighten our hearts❣️
Another way I raise my spirit and try to lighten the burden of others is to pray for strangers. I have a quick blessing that I say when I see someone who seems in need of some Love & Light. Quick, silent, and invisible, from my heart to theirs. 💞
LWS has changed my life for the better too. I especially feel close to the renegade group which you so generously host every week. Who knows, maybe one day we may meet face to face. The people who write with us are such a generous, positive and encouraging bunch. I am blessed to have them - including you - in my life.