Ahhh, Tracy, deep Gratitude to You for choosing my favorite topic! 🙏 Expressing gratitude is like using a Superpower to lighten our hearts❣️

Another way I raise my spirit and try to lighten the burden of others is to pray for strangers. I have a quick blessing that I say when I see someone who seems in need of some Love & Light. Quick, silent, and invisible, from my heart to theirs. 💞

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Apr 27Liked by Tracy O’Brien

LWS has changed my life for the better too. I especially feel close to the renegade group which you so generously host every week. Who knows, maybe one day we may meet face to face. The people who write with us are such a generous, positive and encouraging bunch. I am blessed to have them - including you - in my life.

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Apr 22Liked by Tracy O’Brien

Gorgeously warm and insightful as ever, Tracy! London Writers Salon is indeed, a wonderful place. I didn't know you also had breast cancer - there are a few or us around, huh! - and I'm gutted for you that it left you with the chronic fatigue. It sounds like you are managing to break away from it now though? I hope so. Big hugs to you x

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Apr 21Liked by Tracy O’Brien

LWS has been a great support with like minded people. Where else can one find 163 people to sing happy birthday to me?

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Thanks for this Tracy❤️ --beautiful Sunday read!

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