Hello, and welcome to another missive from my heart to yours,
How have you been? Really, how are you? Sending big hugs to all who need them this week. The past few days have been a little odd here, the weather has been alternately boiling hot, then torrential downpours with the odd gale force winds thrown in for good measure. It has been feeling a little autumnal here the last couple of days with cold winds and overcast skies. Perfect weather for hiding inside, well for me anyway, and a perfect excuse to start knitting some new animals. I found a wonderful book online, and the creatures are just so adorable and so big… They are about 3 times the size of the bears and bunnies I have been making.
Radiators and Sinks…
Now I can see you sitting there reading or listening to this and thinking to yourself - Tracy has lost it! This is not a substack about plumbing or interior decorating…
Stay with me.
It started when Jo was getting ready to go on the French tour with her community choir. Random posts kept popping up in the WhatsApp group feed, talking about radiators and sinks. Looking into it a little more we realised it had nothing to do with plumbing.
It had to do with emotions and other people and is usually referred to as Radiators and Drains.
So, are you a Radiator or a Drain? First, let’s talk about ‘what’ they are -
A Drain is someone who generally is a negative person, always complaining, but never looking for a solution. They are the people who can suck all the energy out of you, leaving you feeling drained and tired. They leave you feeling that the world is a gloomy place, that there is no hope and no one is looking out for anyone else. So, like a drain, this person, or people sucks all the energy out of the room or person and just lets it all flow away down the pipes. (With the sink analogy it just keeps all the energy in the sink, not letting it out.)
A Radiator is the complete opposite. They do not need to have an energetic personality or fill the room with vitality, their speciality is to listen attentively. They are the people who you want to spend time with, the people who make you feel energized and happy. Think of the radiator - it takes in the warm water and radiates that warmth back out into the world around it.
Gretchen Rubin sums it up nicely in her post:
I read Past Imperfect, a novel by Julian Fellowes (a man of many accomplishments, such as winning an Academy Award for best original screenplay for the brilliant movie Gosford Park).The novel’s narrator made an observation that has stuck with me.
“Years later, a friend would describe her world as being peopled entirely by radiator and drains. If so, then Damian was King Radiator. He warmed the company he was in.”
I don’t know about you, but I like the idea of being a radiator and hope that I can warm everyone I come into contact with. I am sure you all feel the same way.
So, Radiators and Drains are just a different way of describing how other people’s energy affects you. If it works for you, try this: you can envisage a bright white membrane surrounding you, allowing positive things in and keeping out the negative energies. This may help with the drains in your life.
I will be back tomorrow with the monthly Tarot reading, I’m sorry but September crept up on me unexpectedly…
Until next time, as ever, may your angels and guides watch over you and protect you until we meet again.
Love and Light,
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I definitely run on tea.
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Until next time, bye for now.
Gretchen Rubin - article on her website
Aileen Quealy - article on LinkedIn
Women’s Health - online article
Anything in bold and underlined is a link to the relevant article or web page. None are affiliate links, just things I hope to benefit you, or people I admire and have worked with.
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My good friend who passed in 2019 used to classify people as sinks or drains & it was the first time I had heard it. We would be talking about something & she would text back “DRAIN”. Great way of explaining it. 🙏🏼
You are certainly are a Radiator, Tracy! Thanks for writing this post and for your positive energy vibes.