Hello Dear Friend,
Well, that is it, summer seems to be over as we slide into September. the leaves are changing colour, the early morning mists have started, and there are mince pies for sale in the supermarkets… I guess Halloween is coming.
I titled this letter ‘We make plans and the universe laughs’ mostly because that is how this week seems to have gone… Remember my amazing plan to get the spinning wheel out and spin whilst listening to shamanic drumming?
Brilliant plan.
Should’ve worked.
The universe had other ideas…
When I removed my wheel from the wardrobe and started to set it up (it is a folding one, a Kromski Sonata), the synthetic band that connects the pedal to the drive shaft snapped.
Oh poo…
But I fixed it, yay! You can cut them and then just screw them in place again, it is not ideal, but workable until I can get a replacement part. Sorted that out, I had to shorten the other pedal too, so it would be even…
With a deep sigh of relief, I pulled the drive band up, (that’s the bit that goes around the wheel to make it spin) and it snapped!
The gods, the universe, whomever you want to attribute things too, well they were howling with mirth by now. The drive band can be fixed so they say, just trim the ends, melt them over a candle flame, then hold together for 20 seconds until it fuses back together.
HHMMM, right, it is a devil of a job to get these two small, about a quarter-inch diameter, slippery melted bits to connect in a straight way, let alone hold them still for the recommended time.
Friends I did try, but I gave up. Checking the date on the wheel, I realised I have had it for about twelve years, without needing to replace the Footman connector rods, yes, that is what they are called, it couldn’t be something simple like pedal connectors, could it? So overall it has given good service.
I located the parts and ordered them, phew.
But the universe hadn’t finished with me yet…
I ordered them on the 29th, the bank holiday here in the UK, so fair enough, they aren’t going to be shipped then. But now when I check the website - they are on holiday from the 2 - 14 September.
So yes, you guessed it I will now have to wait another couple of weeks before I can execute my wonderful plan. Sorry, I know this has been a bit of a ramble, but if I have made you chuckle, my job is done. I will now turn to the real topic of this week’s missive.

Signs from Above or Beyond
Argghh, I hear you cry, haven’t you had enough of those lately? But I am not talking about the things which make the gods chuckle.
I am talking about the things which, when you see them, bring a loved one to mind or make us feel they are close by, watching over us.
Butterflies resonate with a lot of people, from all different cultures and beliefs. They symbolize the circle of life, from their hatching into caterpillars, to their cocoons, where they basically dissolve themselves to become completely new creatures. Birth, death and re-birth, are shown in such delicate, beautiful, fragile creatures. A reflection of how fleeting our lives can be, but their beauty and fragility touch us deep inside, reminding us of the love of those we have lost and hope to see again one day.
Have you seen a butterfly lately? Who are you wishing you could talk to?
Do you talk to the butterflies?
I do.
Birds are another almost legendary creature when it comes to signs from the other side, from heaven, from spirit, whichever way you think about it. And many different birds can mean different things to each of us. In the UK robins are often taken as messengers from loved ones in spirit, a little feathered visit to let us know our loved ones are near and love us.
Talking of feathers, they are a huge part of this too. Have you ever found a feather where a feather really shouldn’t or couldn’t be? But there it is… White feathers are common as signs of angels and spirits, but there can be different birds too. Personally, when I find crow or rook feathers I take it as a sign that the spirit world is watching over me, the rooks are almost a totem animal to me.
Is there a particular bird which you take as a sign?
I’m not talking about strange, phantom music, playing from nowhere, but tunes on the radio. Often you can be thinking about someone you love and a song, a favourite song of theirs, will suddenly start to play, in your car, in a shop, or in a passing car. Did your loved ones have a particular song, which whenever you hear it, reminds you of them?
My dad’s favourite tune to play to mum was I Never Promised You a Rose Garden by Lynn Anderson.
Smells are another wonderful reminder of someone. They are so personal, so special. It doesn’t have to be aftershave or perfume, the smell of cigarettes or pipe tobacco randomly occurring reminds me of my dad, whilst roses and lavender remind me of my gran. Do you have a scent which reminds you of your loved ones?
Angel Numbers
These are becoming increasingly popular nowadays, probably in large part to us always having a clock nearby, either our alarm clock or just the clock on our phones. Do you notice a particular number recurring? 11:11? 2:22? 4:44?
There are many places on the internet where you can find their meanings, I have Kyle Gray’s book on *Angel Numbers which is a lovely book.
Do you have a recurring number in your life?
As with all these signs, you can ask for them. Sit still and quiet, take some deep breaths in and out, and ask out from your heart space for spirit, the universe, god, or whomever you believe in to show you signs of your loved ones’ presence.
But the key part as always with asking for signs is that you must pay attention afterwards. Listen to your heart, to your energy, to your intuition, and always stay alert to the possibility of communication.
Take Good Care of Yourself.
I am aware from the messages I have received that the monthly tarot reading resonated with many, and I know that many of you are struggling with the loss of loved ones. Please, take good care of yourself. Take some time, if you can, to rest, recharge, and recover from any difficulty you may be going through or facing. This could be as simple as sitting in the garden with a cup of tea, or it could be a five-hour hike up the nearest hill. Only you know what will feed your heart and soul.
The lovely Dr Shuna Marr has a free *6-day video and self-care workbook which may help. It is aimed at people who are feeling a spiritual shift within themselves, a higher awareness of the spiritual realms if you will, but it is brilliant for good old-fashioned self-care.
As Shuna says:
True self care is not about bubble baths and pampering but about creating for yourself a life that you don't need to take a break from.
It's about trusting yourself, and being aware of when you are being untrue to yourself or giving away your power.
Take a look, you might be surprised by the results. If you like her teaching style, she has some low-cost short courses, which you probably know about by now as I keep mentioning them. But only because they are great and I think everyone could get something out of them.
Just in case you are not sure what I mean when I talk about awakening, Shuna has a *free Epic Blog Post titled 7 Stages of Awakening, Shuna says:
Going through an awakening can be a confusing time. You can be full of questions like what's happening and what can I expect?
Shuna and her daughter Roslyn set up Spiritual Awakening Support to help others to make the transition through their awakening more smoothly.
What you'll read in this epic blog post are 7 stages you can go through, during the awakening process.
The blog post is EPIC because is it not only LONG (to pack in so much useful information) but also because it's PACKED FULL of links to additional support material.
Clicking on the blue links inside the blog will take you to other blog posts, videos, workshops and courses Spiritual Awakening Support have created on that topic.
This makes this a REALLY USEFUL RESOURCE for your ongoing journey because you can refer back to it again and again at each stage (remember to bookmark it!)
Click through on the button below to take you straight there. It's free, and you don't even need to sign up to read it.
For full transparency: Although this post is free to read, it is an affiliate link and if you do purchase something in the future from Spiritual Awakening Support then I may earn a small commission, at no cost to you.
Things catching my eye this week:
We went to see Fisherman’s Friends - One and All. What a lovely film, and yes they probably took some liberties with the real vs fictional story, but it was a heart-warming tale of Cornish folk living and loving together. Along with some great sea shanties and songs, including this one called Union of Different Kinds.
There is a link at the bottom if you would like to find out how a group of fishermen from Cornwall, became a singing sensation who have released six albums thus far.
Until next time, as ever, may your angels and guides watch over you and protect you until we meet again.
Love and Light,
Guided By angels will always be free to subscribers. If you enjoy it click the like button or share it with someone who might enjoy it. If you really like it and are able, please consider buying me a mug of tea.
Thank you for reading and for subscribing.
Until next time, bye for now.
*Angel Numbers, The Message and Meaning Behind 11:11 and Other Number Sequences, by Kyle Gray
*Free 10 Self-Care Practices for Your Awakening Self by Dr Shuna Marr.
*Free Epic Blog Post - 7 Stages of Awakening by Dr Shuna Marr
Anything in bold and underlined is a link to the relevant article or web page. None are affiliate links, just things I hope to benefit you, or people whom I admire and have worked with in the past.
Note: If there is a * these are affiliate links and will earn me a few pennies without adding to your cost.
As always, I love your style and your velvet voice reading the content. Every time I rea done of your letters, I feel uplifted and sooo positive! Thank you for writing these letters!
Absolutely loved this T. Love listening to you read it…it’s such a joy & pleasure to hear your words & all from you heart. Loved your story telling too. You make me smile every time xx love you lots xx