Hello Dear Friend,
How are you this week? I hope that you have had a great week, full of love, laughter, and good conversations. I have been enjoying the view from my desk, watching the crows, pigeons, and seagulls, as they swooped around gathering nesting materials and food. I was also blessed to watch some hares careening around in the field chasing each other in a joyful dance.
My desk had to move due to internet signal issues, we have just changed provider and it isn’t strong enough for my previous workspace.
I miss my angel paintings which hung on the wall behind me, it always felt as though they were watching over me, keeping me company and guiding my work. This week I really need to move some into this workspace so I have their company again.
How has your week been? Have you spotted the signs of Spring? They seem to be everywhere at the moment, daffodils and snowdrops bursting out everywhere, new growth on the trees. We spent some time in the garden yesterday and the blueberries are almost bursting forth with new buds.
Encounters of the Ghosty kind
I realised last week that it has been a while since I shared a paranormal story from my past, so here goes.
In the summer of 1988, I worked at a very expensive private school near Windsor as an assistant cook in one of the Houses. At the same time, I began attending the local Spiritualist Church in Windsor, where I received some accurate and interesting readings. This meant that my connection with spirit was starting to grow and strengthen.
The job came with accommodation, a room in the staff wing of the house, which meant that the school could pay a lower salary for the staff as the room and board was part of the overall package. I think this system is still in place in many places. However, I am getting off the point, aren’t I?
The first visit I had from spirit was in the middle of the night, isn’t it always? I think it is because your mind is at rest and open to communication and contact, there is some truth in the trope of talking to your loved ones in your sleep.
I awoke, laying on my front, and was immediately aware that I was not alone in the room.
My door was locked.
There was no other human in my room.
Slowly the spirit came closer to the bed, closer and closer. I was too afraid to turn around and look, although I regret this now.
Then the spirit sat on the end of my bed, by my legs.
I felt the bed sink with its ‘weight’.
Then it laid down on the bed with me.
As its ‘body’ touched the bed and relaxed, I fell asleep.
This was the first of many little things which occurred in the house and I really wish I had made more of an effort to connect with whoever it was. I think the spirit was attached to the house, as it did not follow me after I left.
Irish Proverbs and Connections
This past week I came across an Irish Proverb that felt true to me:
It is in the shelter of each other that we live
Isn’t this a beautiful image? All of us sheltering and sharing, living and loving one another. There are many Irish proverbs and sayings out there, and they always seem to just get to the heart of an issue or a problem.
A good friend of mine Louise Coghlan has just shared her Substack with her reflections on the Serenity Prayer, I am sure you know it, even if only part of it.
Serenity Prayer
God, grant me the Serenity
To accept the things I cannot change...
Courage to change the things I can,
And Wisdom to know the difference.Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace.
Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it.
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His will.
That I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with Him forever in the next.
Amen.Reinhold Niebuhr
I would love it if you listened to Louise’s words and her reflections on this beautiful prayer. It can be found here. Also, on a side note, Louise is off to the USA in just over a week’s time, so if you are based in New York, Boston, or on Cape Cod keep your eyes peeled for her as she talks about her book based on the life of her wonderful Grandmother Nancy Stewart, Ireland’s oldest woman. For more information go to her website
Things catching my eye this week:
Following on from last week’s mention of Spiritual Awakening this Post on the Adventures With Spirit website is about What Exactly Is Spiritual Awakening. If you have been curious about the term or confused by the plethora of information out there on the web, this is a great place to begin.
Lots of music entered my world this week, there are links below, I hope you enjoy them.
I think that is me for this week.
Until next time, as ever, may your angels and guides watch over you and protect you until we meet again.
Love and Light,
Guided By angels will always be free to subscribers. If you enjoy it click the like button or share it with someone who might enjoy it. If you like it and can, please consider buying me a cup of tea.
I definitely run on tea
Thank you for reading and for subscribing.
Until next time, bye for now.
PS - the monthly community tarot reading will be popping into your inbox on Tuesday, I look forward to talking/writing to then.
What Exactly is Spiritual Awakening? Adventures With Spirit website
Louise Coghlan Living and Laughing With Lou
Anything in bold and underlined is a link to the relevant article or web page. None are affiliate links, just things I hope to benefit you, or people I admire and have worked with.
Thank you so much for this post Tracy....and imagine I only catching up on all your beautiful words....thank you SO much for mentioning me...you are such an amazing friend, i'm so lucky to have you in my life & thank you for believing in me always xx serenity prayer all the way x
I thoroughly enjoyed your ghost story, although I cannot say I would have been okay with one cuddling up to me in bed!