Hello Dear Friend,
Welcome to another Sunday Letter, from my heart to yours. I hope you have had a wonderful week full of adventure and love. Did you see the Northern Lights on Friday night? I missed them, I was fast asleep in my bed, but there are some amazing photos out there on social media. This one, in particular, caught my eye, it was taken by a local photography studio, Available Light, so, if you like it, it is available to purchase from them. If you are on the island they have a shop in St Thomas’ Square in Newport, if not, their website can be found here
Isn’t it a wonderful image?
This week I talk about rainbows, and slowing down and there is also a link at the end to a free Soul Writing Workshop with Dr Sarah Walton. Don’t forget there is the option for you to listen to me reading this Sunday Letter - just click on the recording at the top of the page.
Following on from the lights…
I have been asking everyone I know if they saw them, there is a little bit of jealousy there as I missed them, but maybe it is the universe’s way of telling me to actually go and look at them where they usually live. Northern Lights cruise anyone?? It led to a conversation with a lovely lady Abbéy who lives and teaches in Scotland, she spoke about visiting students from the desert states and their reactions to seeing snow for the first time. Which led to talking about their surprise when they saw a rainbow for the first time.
A Rainbow
Something which brings such joyful feelings and memories to almost everyone who sees one.
But they had never seen one…
Because they never have rain…
No rain, no rainbows.
How awesome would it be to see one now for the first time, with fresh eyes? Maybe the next time you do see one, imagine what life would be like if you had never seen one before.
Intentionally Slowing Down Your Life
In her podcast Choosing Change Lizzie Moult interviewed Jane Lindsey about Intentionally Slowing Down Your Life. Jane runs The Studio Club through her website Snapdragon Life, which I have spoken about many times in these letters. It is a gentle look at life, our place in it and how we can connect more fully with the natural world on an intentional basis whilst looking after ourselves.
As Jane says in the podcast:
"I think as a society, we really fear inactivity and stillness, and therefore, it becomes quite scary to do it."- Jane Lindsey
That is so true, we are, well I am, always feeling like I should be doing something, being busy, being productive, and achieving things. Where does this attitude come from? I think it comes from my parents, and their parents before them. Did you have this instilled in you as a child? You can’t just be still and I don’t know, just watch the birds or the trees. The only time that it was acceptable was when you had done a long walk, and were sitting to admire the view. Or, maybe, reading. As a child, reading was an escape, a way to be in a different world, fully immersed, and involved, without doing anything else.
The podcast episode is just under 39 minutes long and can be found here
Soul Writing with Dr Sarah Walton
The Blake Society is holding a free online talk/workshop on Wednesday, June 12th 2024: Step through Blake’s Door to Vision, time: 19.30- 21.15 BST
In this workshop, we will activate Blake’s use of the Gothic arch as a symbol of stepping from one realm into another, to embrace rejuvenation and personal truth. In guided meditations designed to support you to write from your intuition, you will be enabled to take a journey led by your own poetic imagination.
Your inner poetic guide will lead the way, as Virgil did for Dante, and you will have the opportunity to create your vision on the page. There will be an option, if you wish, to share your writing, and Sarah will offer approaches to sustain your writing after the workshop.
Have a lovely week ahead everyone.
Until next time, as ever, may your angels and guides watch over you and protect you until we meet again.
Love and Light,
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There is the option now to become a paid subscriber if you would like to support these Sunday Letters in that way, or you could consider buying me a cup of tea.
I definitely run on tea.
Thank you for reading and for subscribing.
Until next time, bye for now.
Choosing Change Podcast - Jane Lindsey episode
Blake Society Workshop with Dr Sarah Walton
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