New Year, New Connections
Hello dear friend,
Welcome to another year. May this year be gentle and kinder to us all.
Do you make resolutions at New Year’s? I used to, but would then spend the next few weeks unable to fully commit to them. So slowly, inevitably, they would fall by the wayside, leaving me with a feeling of failure. More guilt sticks to add to my load.
Last year I came across the ‘word of the year’ idea. I know, I know, I am very late to that party, but it sparked a change. I no longer felt the pull to set unrealistic resolutions. I’m sure you know the sort - lose weight, exercise more, blah, blah, blah.
So, as I embarked on my artistic and writing journey last year, my word was Believe, with the strapline ‘you’ve got this’. It worked. It guided me to work on my self-confidence and trust in the universe.
This year my word is Aligned. I look forward to it keeping me on track, to not being pulled in too many directions at once. I will use it to question my approach to study, development, writing and art, and look forward to all the universe will send my way.
Do you make resolutions? Or do you choose a word of the year? Do you have a goal for this year? I would love to know. May the universe help guide you and bring you all that is for your greatest good.
Currently, I am working my way through The Artists Way by Julia Cameron with a group of like-minded writers in the London Writers Salon patron group. It starts with the idea that your inner artist is a child. Your task is the firstly find and protect that child. Now I can hear Shuna Marr’s voice in my head telling me to continue my Heart Space Room Course and reconnect with my inner child. This is a wonderful course, and I will pop a link as usual at the bottom if you think this is something that you might like to work through.
My other big task for this year is to submit my writing work to as many publications, competitions and platforms as I can. Daisy and her angel friends are patiently waiting for me to tidy up the first draft so it is ready to be sent out to a few beta readers*. I also aim to up my commitment here, the newsletter will go out every Sunday from here on in. I have some interesting topics planned.
Until next time, as ever, may your angels and guides watch over you and protect you until we meet again.
Love and Light,
*Beta readers are people who read the rough draft of the novel and tell you if you are on the right track, the story does or doesn’t make sense, things like that.
The Heart Space Room Course run by the lovely Shuna Marr
Susannah Conway has a free Find Your Word Workbook 2022
The London Writers Salon Writers Hour - sign up to write in silent community for 50 minutes 4 times a day, for free. I am usually to be found at the 8am UK session.