Hello again, thank you for allowing me into your world again.
This past fortnight, I have kept coming across mentions of kindness, feelings and understanding. After talking about nudges from the universe last time, well, I guess I can’t ignore them.
Maya Angelou’s words popped up all over the place for me this week.
If there was one person from history that I would have liked to hear speak, it would be her. She believed, as do I, that all of humanity is equal, worthy of equal treatment and consideration.
[Sorry slight soap box moment coming up] Especially in the case of migrants, we are all just one disaster away from being in their shoes. How would we like to be treated? Probably not how they are. It saddened me this morning to hear that the government was in talks with Albania for an ‘off-site’ processing facility for those poor souls who reach our shores after risking their lives on the channel.
I am not a political animal and have no real expectation that any other political party would be better. But I am hoping with enough public outcry things can change. If you know of any organisations who help those less fortunate than ourselves, I urge you to help them, in whatever way you can. Spread the word, donate your time or money if that is an option.
Human beings are more alike than unalike, and what is true anywhere is true everywhere, yet I encourage travel to as many destinations as possible for the sake of education as well as pleasure…. by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try to understand each other, we may even become friends.
Another thing that kept cropping up recently were references to mycelium. If you are unaware of this, it is the fungal system that connects trees in the forest via a network of very fine filaments. This network enables trees to support one another by sharing resources, with the mycelium keeping some nutrients as a form of ‘payment’ for their services. If you would like to find out more about this incredible fungus, there are some links at the bottom of the page. I have been pondering mycelium in relation to our auras and energy fields. Imagine if you can a world where we could connect with one another without effort, freely sharing our energy and love.
But wait, we have that already…
Our energy fields all connect.
Whether or not we want them to, whether or not we are aware of it. Our part in this is to ensure our energy or vibrations are at the highest level we can manage. That we are grounded, full of love and compassion for the fellow creatures that share this planet. If you are unsure about vibrations and energy fields, I talked about this in my last missive. Imagine if you would a world where compassion, understanding and love were the first emotional response to other people. No longer would people feel anxious, threatened by that which is ‘other’. That is the world that I dream of, the world that I am trying to manifest with your help.
This week I have signed up for Julie Gibbons’ free workshop, 5 Days of Mandala Magic. Last year I did the Medicine Mandala workshop with Julie and it was lovely. It is still running, so if you would like to create your own Mandala, click here and sign up. She has a lovely outlook on the world:
‘Together, let’s… imagine a better world for everybody–economically, environmentally, socially and beyond, for it is only by imagining an alternative to how it is that we can begin to take action towards how it might be.’
I have also been investigating Stoicism recently. They believe that a well-lived life is a life lived in service to others. Well, there is a lot more to it than that, but that is my immediate take-away. Kathryn Koromilas is currently hosting 28 days of Joyful Death, a journey with contemplation and journalling. We are on day 19, so there is plenty of time to jump in. https://www.subscribepage.com/28daysjoyfuldeathwriting
Web links and what I have been up to is below, thank you for your time. Please feel free to leave a comment, or pass this email onto someone if you think they would like it.
Until next time, as ever, may your angels and guides watch over you and protect you until we meet again.
Love and Light,
The Joyful Pratice of Stoic Death Writing
Information about Mycelium
Julie Gibbons Magical Mandala Workshop
I submitted my essay, thank you for your good wishes. I managed a score of 77% which is not bad, so I am happy. Now onto the subject of using Art and Portraits to display power and status.
The Yorkshire Festival of Story is still ongoing, there have been some amazing talks and still lots to come if you would like to take a look. Their website can be found here.
I am attempting NaNoWriMo this month, and don’t think I am going to make the word count, but I am still trying to get to the 50k deadline by the end of the month. I will keep you updated…
Well done if you have made it this far, thank you. I am wondering about making this a weekly missive. Does anyone have an opinion on this? Would that be too much?