Hello Dear Friend,
How are you doing today? Apologies for the slight delay with this month’s reading, my CFS/ME has been kicking in severely recently, so I have had very little energy for anything. As I said, it is the time of the month for the group tarot reading, as usual, I will be using the *Llewellyn Tarot Deck.
Are you ready? Then I will dive right in…
This month’s spread
I took inspiration for this month’s spread from an email from Joanna Hennon she was talking about this year’s theme of Strength and Courage, (it is based on numerology, so 2024 will add up to 8, which is the strength card).
From Joanna’s email dated 27/05/2024:
✨ If you have a tarot deck at home, shuffle it while considering the theme of feeling confident, strong, brave. Then, turn your deck over so you can see the cards and find the Strength card - the card directly before it is something that will help you tap into strength and the card directly after it is something that you’ll experience as a result of intentionally tapping into strength. Journal on whatever the cards show you.
So, I shuffled the cards, thinking about feeling confident, strong and brave. I kid you not, when I turned over the deck to go looking for the Strength card - it was sitting at the bottom of the deck… So I took the card behind it and the card from the top.
The Cards
Card 1 - Before - Nine of Cups.
The card directly before it is something that will help you tap into strength - what a lovely card, sitting by a gently flowing stream, surrounded by golden cups. This card signifies fertile surroundings, nourishment, beauty, delight, romance, well-being, and a warm encouraging atmosphere.
Use these feelings, this safety, the security of all that surrounds you, your family, your friendships and all the things that you have created for yourself. You created the cups and the surroundings depicted in the Nine of Cups card, you, yourself, so celebrate that and use those feelings to give you the courage to work with the Strength card.
Card 2 - Strength card.
The strength card - Wow, look at him, he is really ready for anything isn’t he?
But this is not just physical strength, it is determination, inner strength, spiritual strength, and faith. It includes having the strength to persevere, being true to yourself, having the strength to withstand disappointments, having the tenacity to focus and the discipline to continue.
Where do you need to be strong?
Card 3 - Experience - Two of Swords.
The card directly after it [the Strength card] is something that you’ll experience as a result of intentionally tapping into strength - Hmm, not sure this something to look forward to… On the face of it, this is a gloomy card, a maiden stands blindfolded with two swords, on a dark night. But, this card is all about making decisions, facing your problems, or working out which problem needs solving first.
Two of Swords asks you to make a decision, it doesn’t tell you which direction to go, it relies on you knowing, in your heart of hearts that sitting on the fence is not going to serve you, that way will lead to you being paralysed by indecision.
If you are struggling with a decision, or overwhelmed by options? Do you trust yourself to choose which way to go? Draw on the Strength card to help you make your decisions or find your way forward.
As ever these are just my ramblings and are not set in stone, take what you need from the reading and use it. If the cards resonate with you in a different way, go with it. Your heart and soul know what is best for you. Follow the nudges and messages from Spirit and the angels, remember, the more you pay attention, the more you will see.
Possible Resources
Sarah Fletcher’s podcast has just popped into my inbox, and the theme? It is about Taking Courageous Action. Her podcast is aimed at coaches and people in leadership roles, but there is always some nugget of wisdom in her podcast that is suitable for all.
Free 24-hour Paint Jam with Whitney Freya
Do you need a reason to break out your painting and art supplies? Whitney Freya is running a 24-hour Art session.
The sign-up website says:
Besides sharing our 24 hours of creativity together on social media, YOU are invited to join the inner creative circle for 24 hours of painting workshops led by myself and 14 of my Creatively Fit Coaches.One Zoom link.
24 hours of straight painting workshops.
Join anytime ON JUNE 21st, 2024 starting at 6a PST, 9a EST, 2p London, 11p Sydney (6/22).
Push your own creative boundaries TOGETHER!
I will be back on Sunday with my usual letter to you dear friend, until next time, as ever, may your angels and guides watch over you and protect you until we meet again.
Love and Light,
Guided By Angels will always be free to subscribers. If you enjoy it click the like button or share it with someone who might enjoy it. If you like it and can, please consider buying me a cup of tea.
I definitely run on tea.
Thank you for reading and for subscribing.
Until next time, bye for now.
Joanna Hennon - website and information
Sarah Fletcher - YouTube channel, Spotify Podcast Link, her website Unlocking Possibilities shows everything she does, including coaching and NLP training.
Whitney Freya’s 24-Hour Art Jam
The Deck I used in this reading is the *Llewellyn Tarot Deck, it is based on the myths, legends, and culture of Medieval Wales.
Anything in bold and underlined is a link to the relevant article or web page. None are affiliate links, just things I hope to benefit you, or people whom I admire and have worked with in the past.
Note: If there is a * these are affiliate links and may earn me a few pennies without adding to your cost. Disclosure: If you buy books linked here, I may earn a commission from Bookshop.org, whose fees support independent bookshops.
listening to your comforting voice from Beaver Island. We arrived here Sunday, Mom, Ruby and I, and will be here for two weeks with a visit from five girls from the family. xoxoxo