Hello Dear Friend,
Thank you so much for your kind wishes last week, I am just about back to normal again. Well, as normal as I ever get… This letter will include the tarot card spread for May, alongside some of my usual musings.
It’s May already. How does the year turn so quickly, but also so slowly? It’s baffling. As this month begins, it ushers in Beltane, this ancient festival marks the end of Spring and the beginning of summer. Crops are sown and the land is waking up and growing. I wish you a fruitful season in all your endeavours.
How was your week? Did you have fun, what are you reading or watching at the moment? Drop me a line, I would love to know.

This week
Every week I make a list of things that catch my eye, or themes that recur. Last week it was all about perception and interpretation. How our outlook can really affect how we both react, and interact, with people, places and situations. Self awareness and self growth, both topics I have been trying to improve for my own benefit, and so I can be a better human being.
Thinking about your perceptions really works. Take a moment before you react, to investigate where your response is coming from, why you are about to say or do whatever it is. Talk to the reaction with love and understanding, applying the same to the person or situation you are facing. Your reaction may not change, but you will have a deeper understanding of where it came from. Above all, be kind and loving towards yourself and others, realising the only thing you have control over in this world is yourself.
Sarah Rhea Werner
Sarah is a writer and podcaster and recently took a trip home to visit family, which did not go to plan. She talked about it in the recent episode of her podcast Write Now. Some of the lines that really spoke to me were these:
Often we can’t choose our circumstances, but we can choose how we act within those circumstances, and how we react to the goings on in those circumstances. It’s up to us to interpret every moment of our lives
Write Now Podcast, Episode 143
It resonated as a Stoic point of view, that you are only in control of you. The podcast is about how she beats herself up mentally for not doing all the things she planned while she was away - writing, podcasting, etc. Although it is writing based, the theme is transferrable to any situation.
Do you give yourself the grace to accept what you achieved, versus what you think you should have achieved? Can you give yourself that going forwards? Giving yourself a hard time achieves nothing, and just robs your present of happiness and hope.
Sarah Fletcher
Sarah uses NLP and mBIT as tools to unlock your inner potential. She is an accredited trainer in NLP and runs personal development programmes, coach certification programmes and training workshops.
I am always looking for way to unlock my own potential, so that I can be of better service to others.
This Friday morning UK time, she is running a free 1 hour workshop Elevate Your heart centred People Potential. Click here to find out if this is for you.
Tarot Reading For May
This month I asked the cards the following questions -
1. What situation do you find yourself in at the moment?
2. What issues or problems are you facing?
3. How can you allow the universe to help you?
The cards I drew were as follows -
1. Two of Wands
2. The Priestess
3. Seven of Swords
At first glance the last card, the seven of Swords, looks gloomy, but bear with me, it works really well with the other two cards.
Card 1 - Two of Wands
This card represents looking to the future, using your intuition to search out new opportunities and hidden options. Also anticipating obstacles which may be in your way and assessing your own capabilities to cope. So when thinking about where you find yourself now, it seems to indicate that you are looking forwards, trying to find a way to move into your future.
Card 2 - The Priestess
The Priestess represents intellectual and spiritual growth, coupled with self reliance. So in relation to it representing the issues you are facing, it could be saying a few things. Maybe you are unsure what to do in order to be in touch with your own inner strength and wisdom? Maybe your self-reliance is leading to an avoidance of commitment, perhaps to a person…
However the card speaks to you, The Priestess is a positive card, bringing your focus to your own connections with nature, with growth and expanding your mind.
Card 3 - Seven of Swords
On the face of it this card seems to show burden, hard work and struggle. But hold on, because it is not all gloom and doom.
It can represent the end of an ordeal, of releasing the pursuit of material targets in favour of higher goals. Acceptance, rejection of others expectations for you and confidence.
So overall with the other two cards in this spread, I believe it means that if you are open to it, you can find a different way through your life to achieve your spiritual and intellectual dreams. Allowing yourself to accept and release the expectations of others and having the confidence to seek out new opportunities.
Next month - would you like me to use a different deck? Maybe an Oracle Deck? Just let me know in the comments, I also have a Rider-Waite Tarot deck.
Until next time, as ever, may your angels and guides watch over you and protect you until we meet again.
Love and Light,
Things catching my eye this week:
Courses and Memberships
Support Your Energy Workshop
As I mentioned last week the lovely Shuna Marr is going to be running a workshop during May all about energy management. If this is something you are curious about, follow this LINK and see what you think. The course starts on the 14th May.
SnapDragon Life
If you like being in tune with the seasons, growing plants, and generally taking a leisurely stroll through life, then you may enjoy The SnapDragon Studio. It is run by Jane Lindsey from her home in Scotland, and is full of gentle reminders to take things slower and pay attention to all around us. I had the pleasure of meeting Jane a while ago and her love of nature and crafts shines through everything she does.
Jane sums it all up here:
At Snapdragon Life I gently guide you through bringing the changing seasons into your daily life, helping you slow down, so that you can experience increased well being, calm and creativity
SnapDragon Studio is open for new members this weekend, doors close on Tuesday 3rd May, not to be open again until August. Take a look HERE to see if it is for you.
Sarah Rhea Werner - Write Now Podcast
Sarah Fletcher - Elevate Your heart centred People Potential Free Workshop
Support Your Energy Workshop from Shuna Marr
SnapDragon Studio Website and Membership Info
Anything in bold and underlined is a link to the relevant article or web page. None are affiliate links, just things I hope benefit you, or to people whom I admire and have worked with in the past.
The cat tarot looks fun for next month 😊
I’d just love to lose the obstacle to getting my left knee joint, which has severe osteoarthritis, replaced. I have months to wait before seeing a consultant. Meanwhile because life doesn’t stop because you’re in pain, I’m off on a cruise to Iceland with a friend of mine. We’ve holidayed together since her husband died ten years ago but not since 2019 because of covid. We sail from Southampton on Wednesday. I’m sooo excited!