Hello Dear Friend,
Apologies for the lateness of this letter, I am deep in the last few days of this year’s Open University course, the deadline is midday Thursday. So when I write next week’s letter I will be clear of academic obligations until September.* Yippee! Next year is the step up to level two, wish me luck.
This week has been odd, the main themes coming through were energy management and things that creep into your subconscious. Have you ever noticed that themes occur? Or is it just me? Is it the old myth about red cars, once you spot one, you keep spotting them?
*I have just submitted 😁
A few smiles
I came across Brian Bilston’s poetry last week, they are well worth reading.
I am on Ariel Gatoga’s mailing list and last week’s suggestion really struck a chord:
Take an entire week and commit to paying attention to only that which uplifts you. Turn off the bad news. End the gossip conversation. Stop the fantasies of “worst-case scenarios.” Pay attention to solutions.
Let this be a week of liberation for you. End the tyranny that exists within and claim your freedom and power to choose.
Pay attention to the good and watch that good manifest and expand before your eyes.
To be honest I already practice this and feel much better. As an empath, it is hard to see the suffering in the world, and I know that many of you feel the same way. It doesn’t mean we don’t care, but that it is harder to help others if we are energetically compromised. So please be mindful of your energy fields, and the things which affect you.
If you would like help with managing your energy, the start of Dr Shuna Marr’s workshop has been delayed and will now start on the 28th, so if you haven’t signed up, now is the time. There is a link at the bottom of this email.
Would you like a short musical meditation? Check out Fog Chaser’s newsletter, it is full of short musical meditations composed by the author. He calls them ‘moments of calm’ and they really are.
On the topic of things creeping into your subconscious, the lovely Paul Sockett is running his fabulous workshop around ‘stuff’, he says:
Do you wonder why you have so much Stuff? You are not alone!
Does Stuff sap your energy? (looking at it; cleaning it up; rummaging through it to find something, giving up, buying another then finding the original) All is not lost (ironically)
It will have you looking at your space with a completely fresh set of eyes, in a good way.
Until next time, as ever, may your angels and guides watch over you and protect you until we meet again.
Love and Light,
Things catching my eye this week:
Dr Shuna Marr’s Manage Your Energy Course starts 28th May.
Paul Sockett’s Claim Your Space Workshop Workshop Dates 19th May or 31st May.
Fog Chaser’s Substack
Ariel Gatoga’s Website
Brian Bilston’s Poetry
My Bunnies and Bears can be found here
Anything in bold and underlined is a link to the relevant article or web page. None are affiliate links, just things I hope will benefit you, or people whom I admire and have worked with in the past.
Great stuff! Enjoy your free summer!! I'm waiting to sign up for Reiki training with a wonderful practitioner in Muir of Ord. That's my next step...love to both.
Congrats on submitting, now celebrate!