Hello again, and thank you for allowing me into your world.
In this missive, I intend to write again about energy, connections, and vibrations. If you have read any of my previous posts, I am sure you will have noticed that I believe we are all part of the divine energy of the universe.
Whatever you believe, however you frame it, I feel that there is a spark of the infinite which lives within us all, and connects all living things on this planet.
This last week I have yet again been reminded that we are all connected, every living and inanimate thing. Everything resonates with energy. It is this energy, which is vibrating within us and around us, that I would like to look into this time. Are you familiar with the phrase ‘what is meant for us, won’t go by us’? I always think that if I need to see or know something, the universe will pop it in front of me. It’s part of the whole listen to your intuition, your gut, your guides, stuff I keep repeating here. It really is important to pay attention to these nudges. The more you pay attention, the more nudges you will see and feel.
Two weeks ago, I attended a short free course aimed at sensitive business owners run by the marvellous Ruth Poundwhite. It also drew another soul to this same course with, I think, less than an hour to go before it all started. Her name is Dr Shuna Marr.
I do not know what the odds are that are paths would have crossed in any other way, but I am glad they connected there.
Shuna is a softly spoken Scottish lady who has retired from a career in academia to help guide those who are spiritually awakening. She has a very clear and refreshing teaching style which engages and educates without being prescriptive. She clearly explained everything, which is wonderful. I am sure you have come across teachers who state things as facts, but have no evidence to back up their claims. This is not her style. The free course has now become The Ascension Path course which is now available on her website for a reasonable fee, and is worth every penny.
I am digressing a little, suffice to say, if you want to know more, there are links as usual at the bottom of this missive. Go have a look at her website and Facebook group.
I have been trying, as you know, to work out a way to raise my vibrations, to enable me to connect with greater ease with my guides and angels. If you are still a little unsure what vibrations are and how we relate to them, Shuna has a brilliant video which explains all about them. If you are at all curious, it is well worth a watch, as are some of the other videos on her YouTube channel. Its aim, in Shuna’s own words, is to ‘build up an understanding of what vibration is and why we need to raise it, in as easy and straightforward a way as possible’. I really understand now how to best to work towards raising my vibrations.
Earlier this year, I did some work on Susannah Conway’s Tarot for your inner child, which was very helpful in resolving the traumatic things from my childhood. Well, the universe seems to have decided that more work is required. Shuna was offering a space on one of her courses as part of her recent free course, and I won ‘The Heart Space Room: A journey in inner healing’.
Nudge anyone?
Anyhoo, back to vibrations and energy fields. The video explains how our energy fields work, and more importantly, how they interact with others around us. These interactions can impact our emotions and our lives. How often have you walked into a room where there has been an argument? You can feel the atmosphere. It’s almost like static in the air. If negative emotions can leave such an imprint, surely positive ones must too.
If we could remember this in our day-to-day life, how would it, how could it, change how we interact with others.
I shall leave you to ponder that thought. Please let me know your reactions. I would love to know.
Until next time, as ever, may your angels and guides watch over you and protect you until we meet again.
Love and Light,
Web Links: (They are not affliate links, just places I have found worthwhile)
Dr Shuna Marr’s video about vibrations and energy fields is here:
Her other courses can be found here:
Susannah Conway can be found here
Things I have been getting up to this week, I thought you might like to know what I am doing outside of these missives:
Last Saturday I attended an online talk about International Witchcraft by Barbara Nadel and Syd Moore, organised by Pen to Print. It was really interesting, and I may write about that another time.
The first read through of the messy first draft of my book about angels and humanity is finished. Now to fill the plot holes and move some sections around.
I moved my workspace around to allow me to see the view from the window, which has already helped with my energy levels. Now I look out over the Arreton Downs. I can almost feel the dragon moving under the hills, but that is another book…
I am about to write the first essay of A112, the second year of my Open University course, wish me luck.
Hi Tracy. I shared your site on my newsletter but when I’ve arrived in this page I don’t see a button on how to subscribe to your newsletter. How does someone subscribe?
Hello Tracy. I've just come across your latest post and subscribed. I also loved Dr Marr's video. Thanks for sharing, and good luck with the essay!