Hello Dear Friend,
Welcome, another week has passed, I trust it was kind to you all. My Open University studies are now complete, well, until September when it starts all over again…
What am I going to do with my time now, I hear you ask. I have a couple of things I would like to master before the new term starts. The first is to get to grips with Procreate - it is a painting app on my pad, I have the urge to start painting again, and can’t quite face the messiness of it yet, so digital is a happy way to create again. The second thing is to embed the habit of meditation, I know I have mentioned this in previous missives, but I still have not managed to make it a habit.
Over the last couple of weeks, forming habits is a topic which has popped up a lot. Even in an embroidery newsletter - I think the universe is trying to tell me something…
The Two Minute Rule
Inspirations is an embroidery magazine based in Australia, and their newsletters come out every Friday, and James Clear has been mentioned in the past two emails. OK universe, I get the message - ‘take a look’. So off I went. I have now signed up for his free 30-day course and will let you know how I get on.
“Habits are not a finish line to be crossed,
they’re a lifestyle to be lived.”
James Clear
Which habits would you like to form or change? For myself, it will be meditation and gratitude journaling, at least to start. Alongside my perennial quest to lose weight by making the right food choices. The weight loss is going ok, although I need to lose more weight before I can have knee replacement surgery. So far this year I have lost 3.5 st (50 lbs), I just need to keep up the good work.
Last Chance For a couple of courses
First up is Dr Shuna Marr’s Support Your Energy Course, which starts on Saturday 28th May.
The second is Yvonne Power’s Full Day Tarot Workshop, which is an in-person event held in Brighton on 28th May.
Short and hopefully sweet this week, may your week be full of blessings and love, you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Until next time, as ever, may your angels and guides watch over you and protect you until we meet again.
Love and Light,
Things catching my eye this week:
James Clear - Atomic Habits
Dr Shuna Marr’s Manage Your Energy Course
Yvonne Power’s Full-day Tarot Workshop, 10 am - 6 pm, Brighton
Anything in bold and underlined is a link to the relevant article or web page. None are affiliate links, just things I hope will benefit you, or people whom I admire and have worked with in the past.
Ooh, let us know what the James Clear course is like, I keep hearing about his stuff xx