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Hello Dear Friend,
Another week gone by, and the middle of the year is fast approaching. How are you? How are you really? I would love to know. Reply to this email or send me a message, I hope you are well, and happy. Has anything caught your eye recently, something you read, or heard, something which made you smile, I would love to know.
This week I have felt a little discombobulated, with no clear thread appearing. Until I realised the thread was ‘connections’. Those I have made, through physical interactions, and those I have made online, through communities or via mailing lists. Each in their own way guided me towards discovering something new this week - a new writer (or two), a podcast I knew about but rarely listened to and a some new music. What a wonderful world we live in.
Progress on my habit tracker is letting me know which activities I am keeping up with. I now read twice a day most days, and my meditation practice is improving. I’m not sure if it is the increased meditation, but the urge to paint has resurfaced. I have been watching lots of YouTube videos about how to use the Procreate app, and have finally found someone who doesn’t go off at a hundred miles per hour. I’ve been drawing some angels, although they need finessing. The other thing I have started drawing are the knitted bears, they look so cute, even if I do say so myself…
Mary Van Balen - a new to me writer
In her recent column she discussed how gardening can bring people together. Whether it is through working in your own garden or enjoying the gardens of others. She also mentions Dr Rachel Naomi Remen’s recent guest appearance on the On Being Podcast:
Mary writes: Let me retell a story I heard last weekend on Krista Tippett’s On Being podcast. It was told by Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D., whose focus on healing not just curing, sharing stories, and being genuinely present to the patient challenged and influenced the medical profession.
Her rabbi grandfather, whom she described as a “flaming mystic,” was a profound influence in her life. On her fourth birthday, he made a gift to her of this ancient story. (While much of this language is hers, I paraphrase. You can click the link below to hear Dr. Remen tell the story herself in the interview.)
In the beginning, he said, all was holy darkness, the source of life. At some point, the world came bursting out of the centre of that holy darkness as a great ray of light. Later, the result of an accident, the vessels that held the grand light, the wholeness of the world, shattered into thousands of pieces. They fell into all people and events where they remain hidden even today.
Rachel Naomi Remen, quoted from the On Being Podcast by Mary Van Balen
Now I’m not sure about you, but when I read the story of how the shards of light were hiding in the people of the world, something clicked. I really want to see the light within other people, but not just see it, I would love people to see the spark of light within themselves. I think it might make for a better world, the belief we are all the same, all connected by the light shards.
If you have the time, read Mary’s post and listen to the podcast, it is worth the time.
Diet and Psychic Abilities
Following on from last weeks mention of the links between your vibrations and your dietary habits, I did a little research.
Now, this is only scratching the surface and it will take many more hours before I really know anything, but there is a whole network of people looking at this. The Emergent Phenomenology Research Consortium (EPRC) are a group of clinicians and patients who are looking into how the evidence they are uncovering of emergence manifestations may be used to treat patients presenting in the emergency room or in the mental health field.
You can find out more about them here and if you are really interested take a look at their White Paper here. It is on my list of things to take a look at next week.
Diana Cooper - Dragons
The lovely ethereal Diana Cooper has recently released an online study course called Meeting The Dragons. Well I ask you dear friend, how could I resist? I will report back on how I find it.
If you are interested, the course is currently only £9.99.
What I am reading:
*The Manningtree Witches by A.K. Blakemore - this was the pick of the LWS History Group this month. I am about a third of the way through, its an interesting read, although I am not sure I want to get to the part where they start ‘outing’ the witches…
*The Power of Ritual by Casper ter Kuile. Well alright, I am listening to this via Audible, but it is a great book, full of insights into how we create communities and the rituals we put in place, or can put in place, to make sense of the world.
What I am listening to:
The High Kings, (the link here takes you to the Amazon Prime Music page where you can listen for free if you have Prime. If not, follow the link to the Parting Glass below and you can listen on YouTube) I have just found this group thanks to my OU WhatsApp group. The song which really grabbed me was The Parting Glass, a song of remembrance, but I will be looking out for their other albums.
Until next time, as ever, may your angels and guides watch over you and protect you until we meet again.
Love and Light,
Things catching my eye this week:
Diana Cooper Meet the Dragons Course *Dragon Oracle Cards
Mary Van Balen’s latest post
The On Being Podcast can be found here
The High Kings - The Parting Glass
Emergent Phenomenology Research Consortium (EPRC)
Anything in bold and underlined is a link to the relevant article or web page. None are affiliate links, just things I hope to benefit you, or people whom I admire and have worked with in the past.
Note: If there is a * these are affiliate links and will earn me a few pennies which will help pay for my study books for next year, without adding to your cost.