Hello Dear Friend,
Welcome to another Sunday. The letter I write today is not as cheerful as normal, probably not surprising considering all that is happening in the world. I just thought I ought to let you know before you go too far down the page. If you are feeling overwhelmed, perhaps just focus on the image* below, and imagine you are on a journey to somewhere magical. Maybe read a different letter from me, this one about kindness maybe? or this one about acting from a place of love?

Still here? Thank you.
I write this as the world crumbles.
Far from me.
Yet not so far.
In this day and age of technology, we are all connected. News, family, friends, personal stories of trauma and hope pour forth from our televisions, our laptops, our phones.
The information superhighway is in meltdown, trying to keep us updated.
I cannot cope with watching too much of the coverage.
It is not because I don’t care. Maybe I care too much. I’m sure I cannot be the only one who feels this way.
I feel impotent. Helpless in the onslaught of terror being visited on Ukraine and other places in the world. Do I hate the Russians for what they are doing? No. They are under the control of someone who censors the information given to them. Many ordinary Russians have no access to the same news outlets as we do. Their mothers, wives, sisters, suffer just the same worry and fear for their loved ones, albeit not under the same barrage of war machinery.
Over this past week, I have watched a few interviews showing Russian soldiers who have either been captured, or have surrendered. They are, to a man, heartbroken at the damage they have wrought. One hoped that afterwards he could return home to tell the truth, as he and others had seen it. Part of me, sadly, believes he would be better staying away from Russian-controlled areas. I feel that the powers that be would not allow him, or anyone else, to tell their story. Dictators throughout history have never knowingly allowed the truth to smear their version of events.
My heart and soul are, however, lifted by all that is being done to support the Ukrainian people fleeing from their homes, their lives. Maybe we could have extended the same kindness sooner to others who have fled for their lives from other troubled regions of the world. Perhaps this will lead to a watershed moment when those in control of our borders finally come to realise that we are all human beings. With the same needs, hopes, and fears. Except maybe now, those fleeing have more fear, and less reason to trust. With good reason.
There are plans being put in place to enable us to ‘sponsor’ a refugee person or family, and bring them into our home. I pray this will be successful and might be extended to all refugees, not just those from Ukraine.
If you too are struggling with all that is going on, here are a few ideas that may or may not help
Write it down in a journal or notebook. Sometimes, just getting it out of your head can help.
Try to help. If not financially, then with your time - given to sort and pack the aid being shipped from every corner of the country. If not time, then lend your voice, share good initiatives, or maybe start one…
But whatever you do, act from a place of love and kindness.
Be the Light
Be the Kindness
Be the Love that the world so badly needs.
Many people believe you can visualize good things coming your way, as if the universe is just waiting for you to ask. All you need is to believe it is all possible. This may be true.
If we can use the energy in this world for good, then wonderful, but it is a two-way street. Sending positive thoughts out to those in need at this moment is, to my mind, more important than any dream I may have for my future. I am under no illusion that positive thinking will change what is going on. But, perhaps by thinking more positively to those involved, we can make a difference.
There but for the grace of God/Spirit/Being of your choosing go us all.
Until next time, as ever, may your angels and guides watch over you and protect you until we meet again.
Love and Light,
Things catching my eye this week:
This post from Evolving & Enough about Support made me smile.
A few words from the wonderful Paul Sockett, he has such a wonderful way of looking at the world, and his Claim Your Space course will have you looking at your ‘stuff’ in a completely different way.
The Freshwater Coffee House
They really do serve the best coffee on the island, and they also post out their signature blend.
Anything in bold and underlined is a link to the relevant article or web page. None are affiliate links, just things I hope benefit you, or to people whom I admire and have worked with in the past.
Tracy, you're not alone in how you're feeling. I listen to the radio news because I'm too much of a coward [or a empath] to watch the destruction and despair on TV news.
i am doing something. I am just about to start making sunflower bookmarks [in Ukraine's colours] and selling them in aid of aid to Ukraine charities. The yarn is provided by me. They're made to a pattern by my friend Jolanta, which is being sold in aid of Ukraine by Skyebazaar.com, which is owned by another Polish lady, who lives on Skye. My FB page has a photo.
Visualising helps, but having a determinedly positive outlook to beat the blues helps me more!!
Much love,