Hello Dear Friend,
Another week has passed, was it just me or did it go particularly quickly? As I write this it is a beautiful sunny day which started with an unexpected frost. This letter is a catch up, a reflection on the past week and a look ahead.
Jo has thankfully recovered from the plague, and I seemed to have dodged it completely, not sure how that happened, but I am not complaining. We are going up to the allotment later to start planting seed potatoes and fruit bushes. So begins another season. I love the way the world turns. The crops grow, we harvest their treasures, before nature rests, ready for the cycle to begin again.
I feel life is like that, cycles of growth, expansion, reward, then dormancy - taking on board new information and thoughts in preparation for the next cycle. At the moment I feel I am in a dormant phase, taking in information in, ready for what, I am not sure yet. But I know and trust the answers will come when they, and I, am ready to hear them.
New Books on my bookshelf
With respect to taking in new information, I recently bought a couple of books. The first is Angel Numbers by Kyle Gray, I have looked these up on the internet before now, but find the amount of ads on the pages very annoying. I have watched a few video lessons by Kyle Gray, and I like his style. He comes over as a very likeable chap, very down to earth. I will let you know how I get on with the book.
The other book I invested in was: Meditation, The simple and practical way to begin and deepen meditation, by Patrick J. Harbula, DD. I am not sure yet what the DD stands for after his name, hopefully he will explain. I haven’t started reading it yet, but aim to try to read a little every day, alongside my meditation practice. The later has been a bit hit and miss to be honest, and is on my ‘to do’ list. After all, how can I expect spirit and my guides to stay in touch if I am not prepared to do the work on my end…
My week
My week was spent in a haze of bunny making, I have two to finish then my order books will be clear and ready for more commissions. My last Open University submission was returned very quickly and with a great mark, so I am very pleased. It seems strange to think that there is only one more assignment to write and this year will be done.
The next assignment has the theme of HOME, and I think I will be writing it as a ghost story. My prep work will consist of reading and re-reading lots of ghost stories from my youth.
Was I the only one who devoured all the books I could find with a supernatural twist to them? Maybe… Or perhaps it was my early exposure to spirit that filled me with curiosity. I am not sure, but I read every spooky story I could lay my hands on, even those dusty Readers Digest special edition books that were all the rage in the 70’s.
I had an unexpected glimpse of my Dad this week too. He used to run a close protection security firm and did a lot of work for the likes of Hello and OK magazine. He was in the programme about John Leslie, shown on Channel 5 last week, protecting John against the curiosity of the press. It was strange, but lovely to see him active and working.
Until next time, as ever, may your angels and guides watch over you and protect you until we meet again.
Love and Light,
How strange but lovely to glimpse your dad like that!
Ah, love that glimpse of your Dad - kismet!