The Angels
The Angels come in all shapes and sizes, tall, short, thin, and plump. They all fulfil different roles as well, with a hierarchy of layers, managers, supervisors, and trainees. They are always watching over humanity, even if we aren’t aware of it. A blessed few can feel them, but most people are so involved with their own lives that their senses are focusing internally. Children and the young can see and sense the angelic vibrations, but as they grow older, mostly because of outside influences, they write it off as fancy or imagination. Humanity can retrain itself to see through the veil, through meditation and prayer, and they can restore connections to the third realm, it just needs faith and practice.
From an Earthy perspective, Angels are strange beings.
Depending on which faith you were raised in, they can be benign, or warlike and vengeful. In truth, they can be both these things and so much more.
They are there to help you, to protect you, strengthen you and to remind you that are loved.
Many humans call upon their angels as if they are fairy godmothers who can grant us wishes and help clear the way to fortune or happiness.
It doesn’t really work like that.
Your soul, life force or energy, however you want to explain that spark of the Source within you, is connected to the angelic realm. That connection allows them to speak to you in your humanity.
But you must be open to hearing them. The little voice in your head that thinks ‘shall I go left for a change today instead of straight on?’. Depending on how you react to that voice could be the difference between getting somewhere on time (turning left) or being stuck in a traffic jam for 30 minutes (going the usual way, straight on).
Every time you listen and respond, your angel smiles, and the bond strengthens.
Before your spirit returned to the human plane, you drew up a contract with the Angelic realm. You returned to experience something of to make amends for something. The angels keep or try to keep you on that path. All the while reminding you of their unconditional love and support.
For some, the link to the angelic realms is strong and they can see the life energy or auras of other beings. Some can train themselves to raise their spiritual vibrations or energy to see them.
Unfortunately, there are those drawn more to the darkness than to the light. Those who revel in the darkness or feel safe hidden in its depths. That is their path, and they alone can change it.
The task for the rest of humanity is to raise their vibrations and their energies to such a level that there is no place for the darkness. For the sake of the planet, the environment and all the three realms, we must try.
This is purely my viewpoint on Angels, and my belief that they are all around us and are trying to reach us. I also believe in re-incarnation and the view that we plan our journey here on earth so that we can experience something or redress something.
Many past life studies have shown that the same souls can encounter each other over many generations.
I believe that there are three main planes of existence, although I am open to the belief that there are more. The three main ones to my mind are the Earth plane, an in-between realm, and Heaven.
I am interested in how you view the world and the other realms, drop me a line if would like to.
Until next time,
Love and Light to you all
I too love angels and feel blessed to have them in my life xx