Hello everyone,
Firstly, apologies for the lateness of this missive. We have had an extremely poorly cat, for those who are interested I will share a little more at the bottom of this newsletter. Also, as I sit writing this, my writing room/craft room/office is in bits because of packing for a house move. Again more at the bottom.
But enough excuses, the theme of this week is love and compassion. Over the last few weeks as I have been writing my messy first draft of my first ever book, the theme of love has been coming up, over and over.
What does it mean, though, to act from love and compassion?
Do I think you should hug random strangers and tell them you love them and that life will be grand……
In these covid times, that is probably not a good idea. Actually, even if social distancing wasn’t a thing, it is really something that should only be done with caution.
I am thinking about it on a more basic level. Before you react to something or someone, think first. You have no way to know what is going on in their life or their history. We all have buttons that can be pushed in certain situations, and if we have them, so do others. So tread lightly, think, then think some more. If someone annoys you, send them thoughts of pure love. Try not to get caught in the emotional reaction to that situation. I know that is sometimes hard; we are all human after all, and life wears us down too. Pressures at home, financial worries, lack of sleep or illness can all help to fray our calm.
Do not let fear guide your reactions either. Not just fear of a situation, but fear of the unknown, or of difference - whether that is ideology, skin colour, eating habits or just clothing. There are things we are not used to, things that push us out of our comfort zone. Challenge these thoughts when they come, interrogate them, and if you can try to vanquish them. Replace the fear with knowledge and try to approach every situation from a place of love and compassion.
As human beings I believe we all feel love and compassion, even if it just for our family and friends. Try your hardest to approach the world with the same level of love, compassion, and understanding. But please remember to extend that love and compassion to yourself as well.
If we all do this, even just a little, maybe the world will stop being quite such a scary place. Just think of what the world would be like if we all emotionally embraced everyone with love and compassion. Love could shine a light into the darkness of the world, and perhaps all the hate, anger, fear, greed, and envy could be diluted just a little.
Who will join me in the revolution to bring a little more love into the world?
Until next time, may your angels and guides watch over you and protect you.
Love and Light
Frodo and the house move.
Just over a week ago our smallest cat, Frodo, was kicked in the face by a sheep. The sheep had been spooked, due to it being shearing day, so lots of noise, dogs, etc. It was just a nasty accident. After being missing for a day, he came home with a floppy front leg. Fearing the worst, we took him to the vets. Turns out he had a fractured and broken jaw… He had to have three teeth removed and his jaw wired. The issue with his leg is they think neurological damage, and with luck will sort itself out in about six weeks, so fingers crossed. Bless him, he is making a good recovery, but we would appreciate any prayers for him.
The house move is due to happen on the 5th, that is when the removals men are coming to take the furniture over. In the meantime, they have kindly given us the keys early so we can begin to move things over. It is chaos here, and this is probably the last time I will write this newsletter here. The next one will be from, hopefully, a more settled new place. Wish us luck.