I thought I should start with some more detail about who I am and how I came to be where I am today. I’ll write in a couple of parts and then start on the amazing things the universe has shown me recently.
Part 1
I am currently nearing my mid-fifties, married to my lovely wife Jo. We have been together for 21 years this year, which still amazes me. We live on the beautiful Isle of Wight in the UK with our 5 cats.
My experiences with spirit began when I was very young, just over 7 1/2 years old in fact. My younger brother had just died in a tragic accident. I was the first family member there and so saw the whole trauma; it was messy. One night after he died, I awoke in my bed and stared at the ceiling - he was poking his head through the roof. We lived on the top of a tower block, so it was as if he was sitting on the roof, just sticking his head through to talk to me. Seemed perfectly logical to my younger self… I remember him asking me why I hadn’t cried after he died. For years I had no answer. Now of course I know it was because I had been in complete shock, and I didn’t want to make a fuss. I spent a lot of time after he died trying to be the perfect child, from bits and pieces I have learnt since Mum was walking around the flat banging her head on the wall. Scary times indeed.
I never saw him again. Sometimes I wish I could. But I hope and trust that wherever he is, he is happy and I will see him again one day. His visit sparked an interest in me that has never gone away - what happens when we die?
For years I read every ghost story book I could lay my hands on, watched every spooky film that I could. Over recent times, as I am sure you will have noticed, there has been a positive flood of TV shows about the paranormal, some good, others just reckless and probably dangerous. But more about those another time.
But this interest in spirits, ghosts and the paranormal led me to spiritualism. I found churches and services near to where I lived and went along. The first one I attended was in Windsor, and I was very nervous and unsure about being there. It was very normal, hymns, readings, very sensible, until the medium stood up and addressed the congregation. There are many mediums on the church circuit, but this was a good one. She came to me saying that ‘my grandfather knew what they had done to the fireplace’… this confused me, but I accepted the message.
On the way home, my friend said, your parents have just changed everything around at home, haven’t they? She was right. My grandfather Nicholas, who passed one month after I was born, had been a very good woodworker. He had decorated their house really well. He had created a fake Welsh dresser in the front room, around and above the fireplace for all my gran’s brass ornaments. When my parents had moved in with her, they had installed central heating and they had ripped the dresser out, meaning that my grandad was still watching over us.